Now all Pakistanis can earn money from YouTube shorts

Now all Pakistanis can earn money from YouTube shorts

Now all Pakistanis can earn money from YouTube shorts

Now all Pakistanis can earn money from YouTube shorts

If you like to post short videos like Tik Tok on YouTube, now you can earn income from Google's video sharing platform by fulfilling a few conditions.

The revenue sharing program for YouTube shorts was announced in September 2022 and will be implemented from February 1.

For this purpose, from January 10, the company has introduced new conditions for the partner program, which must be accepted by July 10.

From February 1, it will be possible for creators to monetize their short videos.

The most significant change to the YouTube Partner Program is based on giving users the opportunity to earn from ads that appear during videos in the Shorts feed.

All users posting shorts can be a part of this partner program with 1000 subscribers and 10 million shorts views in the last 90 days.

According to the new terms, creators will have to accept specific monetization models.

One model is called the Watch Page Monetization Module, which will allow creators to earn money from ads that appear on longer videos.

Another model is the shorts monetization module, which will allow users to earn money from ads that run between shorts videos.

The third model is the Commerce Product Addendum.

According to YouTube, creators must acknowledge all models before they can earn revenue from the platform.

Users who only post shorts videos must opt-in to the shorts monetization module in order to share in the shorts' ad revenue.

The short revenue-sharing mechanism is quite complex.

Under the shorts monetization model, users will keep 45 percent of the total amount earned from advertisements, while the rest will go to the company.

Under this program, unedited clips of movies or TV shows will not be monetized, nor will it be possible to earn money by uploading pre-post content to YouTube or any other platform.

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